Foo Fighters -via- The Uprising, Apparel Design

This is a Foo Fighters shirt I did for the company that merchandises this band and many others. It has a kind of biker gang look / feel to it. Features bold type, their awesome logo and a horse shoe, Dove wings and thick chains to round out the composition and connect the type.

Foo Fighters -via- The Uprising, Apparel Design

To say the Foo Fighters Self Titled album played a huge roll in my childhood would be an understatement. I still love hearing it to this day. This is a Foo Fighters shirt I did for the company that merchandises the Foo's and many other awesome bands, The Uprising. I had the chance to check out the Uprising while my wife and I were going through Los Angeles earlier this year on out honeymoon. Its an awesome studio with a great group of talented and hard-working people, one of the few places who could probably persuade me away from the life of a freelancer. This Design features a cool two-level illustration with bold custom banner type set into a shield containing clouds as well as the bands logo. This shirt is a UK exclusive I believe.

Rise Up Coffee, "Locally Roasted", Apparel Design

This is another shirt I recently created for Rise Up Coffee based largely on my Locally Roasted logo. The type is all custom and the colors match the new Rise Up Roastery stuff I've been making. Locall Roasted is more than just a cool slogan, it's a logo that marks the momentous opening of the Rise Up Coffee Roastery. It means when you buy Rise Up Coffee that the beans you will enjoy were carefully roasted in small batches in out region by none other than the coffee master, Tim Cureton. Best cup of coffee you will ever have.

Rise Up Coffee, "Infinite Coffee", Apparel Design

This is a design I created for one of my all time favorite clients/people Time Cureton of Rise Up Coffee. It is a fairly simple custom composition comprised of an illustrated coffee plant in the form of an infinity loop wound in and out of at circular crest containing the type and a small draped banner. Colors match the interior decor and other collateral within the NEW Rise Up Coffee Roastery in Easton, Maryland.

Less Than Jake, "Younger Lungs" Shirt Design.

This design is totally inspired by the Less Than Jake song Younger Lungs. What I drew from that song was the notion of looking back on life, specifically at the pissed off young and idealistic kid I used to be. It also points out that these qualities or faults (depending on perspective) are still present in our personalities and daily activities. The design features a chaotic collage of (literally) cut and paste type, patterns and three old pipe photographs found in an issue of Playboy from the late 1960's. The practice of appropriating imagery from obscure sources (like playboy adverts of the 1960s) is also a reference to the reckless impermanence of my teenage years, specifically how I would re contextualize images from unlikely sources into fliers for punk rock shows that I was throwing or playing at. It didn't matter where the source image came from, as long as I could twist it's meaning to serve the purpose my immediate needs as a fledgling designer.

Neshaminy Creek Brewing Comapny, "Steve The Animal", Apparel Design

This is a shirt I designed for the Neshaminy Creek Brewing Company, Recently opened close to me in the town of Croydon, Pennsylvania. The Beer from this place is phenomenal and the three guys who run the brewing operation couldn't be cooler. This concept was conceived by the owner and brewmaster, Jeremy Meyers, who is as much of a creative thinker as he is a beer connoisseur. The design features my illustration of one of the three operators, Steve, transforming into his party animal alter-ego after consuming the NCBC brew. The intention of this (and the ZEKE design) layout wise is each one being a single advert from a page within a silver age comic book (hence the cut-off pieces of other adverts on the margins.) Neon green and black on white shirts!

Neshaminy Creek Brewing Company, "Zeke Rules", Apparel Design

This is another fun shirt I designed for the Neshaminy Creek Brewing Company,based out of  Croydon, Pennsylvania. This concept was also conceived by the owner and brewmaster, Jeremy Meyers. The design features my illustration of A true Philadelphia area beer legend, the venerable Zeke. Once Zeke rolls into the bar, you opperate under "Zeke Rules". The intention of this (and the Animal design) layout wise is each one being a single advert from a page within a silver age comic book (hence the cut-off pieces of other adverts on the margins.) Neon green and black on white shirts!

Ex Friends, Logo Shirt.

This is a logo shirt I created for my own band Ex Friends! (Nothing quite like being your own client, "APPROVED") I actually created this logo by printing out various letter forms on white paper and cutting them out and rearranging them together into compositions on black paper. I then blew them up and leveled them using my copier- ultimately scanning them and vectoring. These and all of our shirts are printed by the amazing Awesome Dudes Screen Printing, Located here in Philadelphia and run by some of the nicest, bearded gentlemen you will ever meet.

Target & Shawn White, Apparel Design

This is another young men's t-shirt design I created for Target, specifically for the Shawn White line of apparel.This one features a skull-faced yeti popping out from behind some patterned snowboards. Cool Pennsylvania Dutch inspired flourishes fill out the sides and I made some sweet custom type for the banner. Solid one color design.